
Work Ethic & Extreme Ownership



Never let your expectations be higher than your work ethic.

In order for this program to work, you will need to become the marketing and sales director of your business. Don’t let this intimidate you. We are going to teach you (and be there along the way) to make sure you are a success. Fitness coaching will still be one of your main skillsets, but this will now be your #1 priority. 

YOU, the business owner, the designated hitter. You will need to be the one following up on your leads, and closing the sales. Conquer the follow-up and the close, and you’ll always master the sale.

Secret formula:

  1. Follow-up on your leads and build rapport with them. You will need to be very responsive and follow-up on your leads often
  2. Do NOT coach anymore (except for the free one-on-one consultations)
  3. Be available to welcome new prospects ALL THE TIME.
  4. Use the 10-step sales process.

You need reliable results. This only happens when you execute our reliable process that closes 8 out of 10 prospects.

In order to manage the high volume of leads and new members, you will have to hire new coaches to handle your classes (get pumped! This means you are expanding, which means you are growing in all capacities: financially, memberships, staff etc).  If you do not like sales, then hire a closer from 24h Fitness or LA Fitness. They are able to close the deal even without a body transformation offering, so they’re going to have great closing rates for your micro-gym.


This system is a proven system, generating incredible results and maxing out gyms.

So, STOP asking: “Will it work for me?” Instead, START asking: “Will I work for it?”

Take ownership of your lead generation and of your results. 

Your results will depend on your:

  1. Follow-up and scheduling speed
  2. Communication skills (building rapport)
  3. Storytelling

So make sure to read the content of this blog, and execute on each strategy. 

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