How Matthieu is adding 25 members to his CrossFit gym every month (with only 300 euros/mo in ads)
When I first met Matthieu a couple of years ago, the owner of CrossFit Rive Gauche in Paris, he was struggling to keep his box afloat.
So we first worked on his processes and systems because there was no point adding fuel to the fire (or ads to a broken client onboarding system).
And that changed things dramatically for the gym.
Then, in October last year, Matthieu wanted to grow a lot faster. So we decided to launch social media advertising. At the time, he had 180 members.
And after launching his ad campaign, Mathieu began to grow his gym rapidly and VERY cost effectively!
We helped him launch ads that are driving 5 eager prospects every day—for only 10 euros in ad spend.
That’s only 2 euros per prospect.
Mathieu and his team book appointments with 15 of these prospects each week.
And they convert 1-2 into new members every day.
In just 4 months (and while pausing his ads for a whole month during the holidays), Mathieu’s membership grew from 180 to over 250 active members.
And get this – his cost per new member is only 12 euros!
Considering he sells 6-week challenges for 500 euros or premium memberships, that’s an incredible return.
Now Mathieu is starting to think bigger.
His current space is maxed out, so he’s looking for a 600 square meter location to accommodate 500-1,000 members.
I’m proud to see how far Mathieu has come already. It’s so satisfying to work with box owners like him and watch their businesses take off.
The sky is the limit for where Mathieu can take CrossFit Rive Gauche next.
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Mathieu ajoute 25 membres à sa salle CrossFit chaque mois (avec seulement 300 euros/mois en publicité)
Mathieu est le propriétaire de CrossFit Rive Gauche à Paris.
Il a lancé ses publicités avec HolosBody en Octobre. 4 mois plus tard, ils ont augmenté leur chiffre d’affaires de 33% – d’environ 180 membres à plus de 250 maintenant.
Ils obtiennent 5 prospects par jour pour seulement 10 euros par jour en budget publicitaire.
A partir de cela, ils obtiennent 15 rendez-vous par semaine (2-3 par jour).
Cela se traduit par 1-2 nouveaux membres par jour, soit environ 25 nouveaux membres par mois.
Par conséquent, le coût d’acquisition par nouveau client est de 300 / 25 = 12 euros.
Ce qui est très bien puisqu’il vend des défis de 6 semaines pour 500 euros, ou des adhésions premium.
L’objectif est de trouver un local de 600 m2 pour passer à 500-1000 membres car la box actuelle est presque pleine.